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EcoDharma Explorations

One Earth Sangha offers EcoDharma Explorations, monthly gatherings that focus on different facets of EcoDharma. Recordings are provided for anyone who cannot attend or wishes to revisit a gathering.

Upcoming Explorations

Our next EcoDharma Exploration will be on Sunday, February 25. We will send an announcement via our email list as soon as registration is open.


How might we nourish the ecological self and support its maturation? On May 26, join John Seed and Br. Tenzin (Dr. Alex Anderson) to explore the interwoven teachings and practices of Deep Ecology and Buddhadharma.


On Right Relations with Deniers, Delayers, and Destroyers

How might we relate to the "bad guys" as advocates and activists attempting to reduce suffering in the world at large? On June 23, Kevin Gallagher leads this exploration on how we might relate on behalf of both people and planet, to those who cause harm.

Past Explorations

Recordings of past explorations are available here.


The Dynamic Balance of Yin and Yang, Emptiness and Action, Rest and Engagement, on the Path of Change-Making

What strength might we discover when we connect to often-overlooked virtues such as stillness, rest, and receptivity? On April 28, Deborah Eden Tull led this investigation into the sacred balance of light and dark within Nature and our own minds.


In this EcoDharma Exploration on March 24, 2024, Buddhist Minister, Author, and Activist Lama Rod Owens led us in exploring and developing renewed visions for activism based on the recognition that all systems of violence intersect with climate change.


Cultivating Interracial Community within Movements for Change

Cross-cultural communication can bring us together… or tear us apart. In this EcoDharma Exploration on February 25, 2024, Rhonda Magee joined Kristin Barker in conversation to explore challenges and opportunities for building true Sangha as we work together for environmental justice.


In this EcoDharma Exploration held on January 28, 2024, Jessica Morey invited us to examine our bond with Earth, our ultimate caretaker.


A Path of Deep Reciprocity

How might we discover a reciprocal and non-extractive nature-based practice? Susie Harrington led this EcoDharma Exploration on November 19, 2023.


Eco-Centric Development and the Four Foundations of Mindfulness

In this EcoDharma Exploration on October 22, 2023, Insight practitioner and environmental educator Rupert Marques invited us to uncover the uniqueness and universality of our embeddedness in our world.